Adding colour to your summer

Its funny how quick we go from one season to another. In the space of a week light cotton has replaced wool, feet are begging to be released from their shoes, flowers and leaves have covered the trees. After months of grey, colours are taking center stage. With this in mind I decided to visit the Sunrise Greenhouses located on the outskirts of Pugwash.

It gets me every time I walk into a greenhouse. It never gets old. The warmth, the moisture, the distinctive blend of aromas filling the air. Founded by Ken Lander in 1996, Sunrise Greenhouses are filled with an abundant array of hanging baskets, each filled with perfectly tended flowers. The stars of this show: Petunias.

When Ken started his greenhouses he was mostly growing cucumbers and tomatoes. He was also passionate about bonsai trees. One day someone gave him a basket of Purple Wave Petunias and Ken became so awestruck by this plant flowering all summer that he decided to grow it.

It is in that space that Ken developed the famous Petunia Bordeaux in 2005, followed in 2009 by the multi awarded Lavender Skies which one day produced a mutation of a perfectly white flower. That mutation was nurture into what is now known as Supertunia White Improved. Ken likes to call it “Hand of God” as he does not take credit for the wondrous mutation.

To be honest, I did get lost as Ken described the ins and outs of flower mutations. What I do understand is the passion, hard work, constant care, and unwavering faith that goes into the operation. And it pays off with customers coming from all corners of the province to get the kind of quality that can hardly be found in large surface box stores.

As I walk around I can appreciate the attention that goes into each flower arrangement. Maxine Johnson (Ken’s partner) points out the space that is given between baskets for air to circulate, producing healthier plants. Ken tells me that fifty percent of his production is now organically grown and can easily be found in the large blue, grey, and yellow baskets. The profusion of healthy plants covered in blooms is a testimony of the deep care that goes into the work.

Aside from flowers, Ken carries two kinds of tomatoes and one type of hot pepper (not quite as hot as a jalapeño). The greenhouse is open seven days a week from 8am to 7pm. Customers are reminded to be COVID conscious when coming in. Cash and debit is accepted for payment.

For more info visit the Sunrise Greenhouses website HERE

Facebook page HERE

Ken can be reached at 902-243-3539
Sunrise Greenhouses is located at 9280 Highway #6 in West Pugwash

Stop by, and treat yourself to a summers worth of wonder !